Dive # 239

Date: April 24, 2006
Time: 5:30am
Location: Shaw's Cove
Depth (feet): 25
Dive Time (minutes): 42
Surf (feet): 1
Surge (feet): 1
Water Temp (fahrenheit): 54
Visibility (feet): 10
Visibility Description: Alot of particulate in the water
Notes and Highlights: Dove with Len Wittrock...easy in and easy out in "Lake Laguna"...vis could have been alot better had there been less crap (technical term) in the water...looks like a potential red tide in the near future...saw a moray, couple of octos (one who has seen better times) and bumped into a sea lion in one of the narrow passages between Shaw's and Crescent...here is a link to the other pics.