Dive # 244

Date: May 17, 2006
Time: 5:30pm
Location: Shaw's Cove
Depth (feet): 42
Dive Time (minutes): 45
Surf (feet): 2-3
Surge (feet): 3-6
Water Temp (fahrenheit): 60?
Visibility (feet): 10-12
Visibility Description: Clearer than it has been
Notes and Highlights: Dove with Scott Williams - saw 3 large octopi - a few lobsters. Surge made the inside of the reef unwise - stayed outside and went with the surge. A good sized (18") plainfin midshipman was in a hole near the Arch - reminds me of some good video footage I took over 2 years ago that hasn't seen the light of day yet - I think I'll try to get that out tomorrow night.