Date: May 17, 2006
Time: 9:00pm
Location: Shaw's Cove
Depth (feet): 31
Dive Time (minutes): 45
Surf (feet): 3-5
Surge (feet): 2-4
Water Temp (fahrenheit): 60?
Visibility (feet): 15
Visibility Description: Clearer than it has been
Notes and Highlights: Dove with Erik Wade - stayed mostly over the sand - surge didn't seem nearly as bad as closer to the reef - glad we did...a ton of sting rays, crabs and small halibuts, and one turbot. Swam with a juvenile bat ray for a couple of minutes - hopefully Erik's pics will come out. Practiced successfully on 3 lobsters and overall really enjoyed the dive - what night dives are all about... UPDATE! Here is a link to Erik's pics.