Dive # 250

Date: May 31, 2006
Time: 9:00pm
Location: Shaw's Cove
Depth (feet): 30
Dive Time (minutes): 61
Surf (feet): 2
Surge (feet): 1-4...and then one "what the hell was that!" burst of surge in the archway
Water Temp (fahrenheit): warm? went with the hood only because of my previous dive
Visibility (feet): 10-20
Visibility Description: pretty clear
Notes and Highlights: I swear I was going home after Heisler...but when I drove around Shaw's to see who was out and bumped into Erik and a class from Liburdi's going out I decided to round up my dive count. Erik and I split from the class so he could shoot some video. Saw at least 5 morays, a bunch of small rays and an extremely decorated juvenile sheep crab. Easy dive for the most part - one holy crap burst of surge from nowhere while Erik filmed a moray in the archway, and there was a very strong counter current that made the short swim back in a little bit of exercise...but overall a very nice, relaxing night dive. Can't wait to see Erik's footage - will link to it when he gets it edited.