Date: December 25, 2006
Time: 12:30
Location: Shaw's Cove
Depth (feet): 39
Dive Time (minutes): 63
Surf (feet): 1-2
Surge (feet): 2-5
Water Temp (fahrenheit): 59
Visibility (feet): 10-15
Visibility Description: Murky - lots of surge-generated particulate - but seen worse.
Notes and Highlights: Dove with Garrett, Scott, Josh, Len and Len's Father-in-Law...Long lulls of nearly no surf between short sets of 1-2 footers made getting in and out easy. Dove with the requisite Santa hat - fish seem to really appreciate it...Scott was also going to try and see if they liked Easy Cheese for a Christmas feast - but they seem to have higher standards in food...not Scott though - he ate some during the dive...
Len and his F.i.L. broke off first due to air consumption, and headed back...a few minutes later Scott and Josh peeled off in a buddy pair - leaving Garrett and I to continue the search for good pictures - I hope Garrett fared better than I...I should stick to video.
Saw a nice sized octopus - a few Hopkin's Roses, a Cockerell's Dorid, and a fairly aggressive moray eel ('specially for the time of day) weren't very good - but the dive was enjoyable...a Merry Christmas and good time had by all!