Date: April 25, 2007
Time: 5:30pm
Location: Shaw's Cove
Depth (feet): 24
Dive Time (minutes): 46
Surf (feet): 1+
Surge (feet): 2-5
Water Temp (fahrenheit): 57
Visibility (feet): 1+
Visibility Description: bad - very bad
Notes and Highlights: Dove with Scott and Josh - surf had definitely dropped off since last week - but the surface looked like the bottom was going to have surge - it did. The water was brown and smelled/tasted like death. Not necessarily a red tide - just seemed like everything on the reef was dead. We dropped down and stayed pretty much in the opening of the Arch...surge was bad - tossing the three of us into each other while Josh and I tried, in my case, unsuccessfully to wrestle some macro shots of nudibranch's out of the conditions. It was truly the worst conditions I've been in for some time...even my light cannons couldn't really penetrate the water. There were a couple of Cockerell's Dorids and Hopkin's Roses. If any of Josh's pics come out I'll link to 'em. There was a tiny little crab in a hole that Scott found - I (and the camera) could only make out the little claws...