Time: 8:00am
Location: Shaw's Cove
Depth (feet): 22
Dive Time (minutes): 68
Surf (feet): 1
Surge (feet): 2-6
Water Temp (fahrenheit): 65
Visibility (feet): 5-8
Visibility Description: surge-murk
Notes and Highlights: Last dive with Scott before he moves to Colorado...been a privilege to dive with him the last year and two months...looks like 47 dives by my count - which gives him the title for the most often dived-with buddy since I started my blog. I'm now accepting applications to replace him - however it won't be easy. I'm looking for someone who likes short-walks on the beach, is comfortable being around me for hours at a time without talking...and he (yes "he"...sorry ladies - I'm just too darn cute and endearing to be trusted with you on a consistently regular basis) needs to be available on Wednesday nights. Scott - been a pleasure, good luck in Colorado, and I look forward to when you are able to visit So.Cal. We saw several Hopkin's Roses, nesting and juvenile Garibaldi, blennies, a hermit crab in the sand, and a good time was had by all.