Dive # 346 - New Macro Lens!

Date: June 26, 2007
Time: 8:00pm
Location: Shaw's Cove
Depth (feet): 39
Dive Time (minutes): 68
Surf (feet): 1
Surge (feet): 2-5
Water Temp (fahrenheit): warm
Visibility (feet): 5-12
Visibility Description: deeper was murkier
Notes and Highlights: Dove with Erik and Len - took out my new macro lens to see how it worked. We saw Spanish Shawls, Hopkin's Roses, Shelly, Ocotopi, Morays and a free-swimming "worm" that was nearly 18" in length. Lots of murk in the water - particularly deeper around Shelly. Plankton by the billions near the surface. Surge was a lot more present than I was expecting/hoping for trying to shoot with the macro lens...you'll notice that Spanish Shawls look like the poor weatherman who are reporting from the "eye of the storm"...overall though - a lot of interesting animals, and a good time had by all.