Dive #370

Date: July 2, 2008
Time: 6:30am
Location: Diver's Cove
Depth (feet): 16
Dive Time (minutes): 44
Surf (feet): 1-3
Surge (feet): 2-5
Water Temp (fahrenheit): 57
Visibility (feet): 2-10
Visibility Description: sand, murky
Notes and Highlights: Dove with Len and Josh, "wake-up dive" for the day. This time we weren't let down by the bat rays - a lot of them...and big ones. Several were fine with us settling down quietly on the sand next to them to get a closer look. A lot of surge still, but over the sand the vis opened up a bit over 10. Enjoyable, great way to start the day, and a good time had by all.