Time: 6:00am
Location: Shaw's Cove
Depth (feet): 39
Dive Time (minutes): 79
Surf (feet): 1-3
Surge (feet): 2-3
Water Temp (fahrenheit): 63-64
Visibility (feet): 10+
Visibility Description: clearer than it has been - but still murky
Notes and Highlights: Dove with Steve...some occasional 3+ foot surf, but easily timed and avoided for a easy entry. Dropped down just a bit before the arch and stuck our heads in to check conditions. I watched a rolling wall of white-out coming down the main passageway and figured we'd be better off on the outer reef. A lot of still-nesting garibaldis were a constant for the dive - a few extra-aggressive ones as well. A couple of octopi, lobster, a sheepcrab "couple", one spanish shawl and lots of small schools of blacksmiths. A few well over legal-sized lobster molts...so they're out there...Spent some time in the interior areas of the reef past turn-around rock - surge wasn't nearly as bad in that area. Saw a bunch of closely-grouped possible baby tube anemones? Couple of pics below - don't think I've seen them that small and not in that congregation.