Time: 8:00pm
Location: Location code 39
Depth (feet): 24
Dive Time (minutes): 82
Surf (feet): 1+
Surge (feet): 2-5
Water Temp (fahrenheit): 57
Visibility (feet): 1-3
Visibility Description: horrible
Notes and Highlights: Dove with Josh - first lobster dive for the season - tally stands at 2. High tide was only a couple of hours away, but the water was still way out...made the walk that much longer...easy surf. Dropped down very quickly - in only a few feet of water, and didn't stay down...couldn't see a hand in front of the face with the sand in the water. Surface swam out a bit further and dropped into negligibly better vis - never better than a few feet during the dive. Picked up a short in the first minute or two, and then a nice, approx 4lb keeper a few minutes later. It's a recent molt - "nerf lobster" as I call it...but it'll still taste good...maybe better if you believe what they say about shedders. Nice start to the season - especially with bad conditions.
Swam for more than another hour - picked up another keeper at about the hour mark. Didn't see many more than 1/2 dozen lobster including the shorts - but then again...couldn't see anything anyways. Strong current and a lot of surge made for a lot of exercise on the way back - Josh picked up a hoop net someone must have lost off a boat...looked brand-new. Two lobsters and some exercise...a hoop net to boot...overall a good time had by all.