Dive #390

Date: June 27, 2009
Time: 7:30pm
Location: Deadmans Reef
Depth (feet): 44
Dive Time (minutes): 65
Surf (feet): 1-2+
Surge (feet): light
Water Temp (fahrenheit): 58-62
Visibility (feet): 15+
Visibility Description: some murk - good
Notes and Highlights: Dove with Jeff - first dive to Deadmans in a long while...dropped down past the point and took a heading straight up Deadhenge...low tide made it a bit shallower than normal. Lots of fish out on the reef - we stayed pretty high on it - in the 30 foot range for most of the dive. A couple of morays, and a whole bunch of Spanish Shawls. We were shadowed by a coupole of sea lions towards the end of our time on the reef - took Deadhenge back and saw a medium sized sheep crab at the very end of it...had read a dive report from earlier that mentioned a sheep crab in that area - maybe the same one? An uneventful swim back over the sand and up just outside the surf zone...overall a good time had by all.