Dive #436 - Guitarfish!

Date: October 12, 2019
Place: Shaw's Cove
Depth: 45
Time of Day: 8:00
Dive Time: 45
Surf: 1
Surge: 1
Visibility: 15
Temp: 66
Surface Interval:
Ending Pressure Group:
Notes: Dove with Tyler - finally a gap in the 2019 swell...Samantha had a tooth-ache, so it was just the two of us. Possibly best conditions of 2019 - vis was a lot cleaner than it has been, and surf/surge down to almost nothing. Dove through the reef to Crescent, then back over the top of the reef to Turn-Around Rock and a bit beyond. Saw Tyler's first underwater banded guitarfish and a lifetime supply of legal or bigger lobsters. New memorial placed just to the left of Turn-Around. Overall a good time had by all!