
Dive # 357

Dive # 356

Dive # 355

Dive # 354

Encounters2: Redux

Dive # 353

Bula! - Fiji 2006: Redux

Dive # 352 - I'm back!

Dive # 351 - "Encounters 2"

Dive # 350

Dive #349 - Shelly...Rest in Piece...

"Encounters" - New Video

Dives #347 and 348 - Good-byes and Hello's

New Video - "A Closer Look - Part One"

Dive # 346 - New Macro Lens!

Macro lens has shipped!

Dive # 345 - Wanted...New Dive Buddy!

Shelly's Tragic Tale

Dive #344

Dives #342 and 343 - Shelly of Shaws

Swimming "Nude"

Dives #339, 340 and 341 - Farns...worth it?

Dives #337 and 338 - Pipefish, Pen and Ink

Dives # 335 and 336 - Diver's...Right and Left....

"What Every Whelk Should Know"

Dive # 334

Dives #332 and 333 - Plainfin Midshipman

Dive's #330 and 331 - Shawl's, Shank...Redemption